First Thomasville Realty LTD

About Us

Why First Thomasville?


When it comes to residential real estate, no one comes close to First Thomasville Realty’s track record. Since 1955, First Thomasville has provided the families of Thomasville with excellent representation during their residential real estate transactions. Over the past 10 years, First Thomasville’s agents have helped over 2,669 families and sold over $240 Million worth of homes.


Living in a largely agricultural region of the Red Hills of South Georgia, First Thomasville Realty has experience when it comes to farms, land and lots. Several of our agents are specialist in the area of land sales, timber values, and reports and surveys of the land including data on soil quality. It is absolutely crucial to be informed of existing social, environmental, business and economic trends in the area. What are the trends in terms of development? What are the prospects for land appreciation? Is the area growing? Are there ordinances restricting future development or is there pressure from the community to expand development?


In the highly specialized niche of Commercial Real Estate, you need to have a company and an agent who is specifically trained and has experience in dealing with the complex issues involved with a Commercial Real Estate transaction. There is a great deal more financial analysis, market demographics study, and environmental research involved in a typical commercial purchase or lease decision. The commercial client is usually much more concerned with area statistics and data about the property’s location and the demographics of the local population and businesses. Though there are common activities when comparing residential and commercial real estate, the differences are significant. First Thomasville Realty has been Thomasville’s choice for Commercial Real Estate since 1955 and continues to lead in this area.


Our agents believe in giving back to the community that has been so good to them. Our agents are involved with local community clubs and activities such as Rotary Club, Plantation Wildlife Festival, Rose Festival, Thomasville Chamber of Commerce, and the Salvation Army. In 2009, our Broker, Mills Herndon was appointed by GA Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle to a commission that will address regional issues in 14 counties in Southwest Georgia. Transportation, infrastructure & economic development are their primary areas of concern. Mills Herndon is interested in planning & long-term growth in Thomasville & Thomas County. First Thomasville Realty agents not only work here, but they are a part of the very fabric that makes up this place that we call home. Thomasville, Georgia.


When looking for a real estate company to represent your next real estate transaction, you want one that has been through the ups and downs of the real estate cycle. Experience in all types of markets is what counts. That experience allows our agents to make adjustments in their marketing techniques and strategies based on past experience with other Buyers Markets or Sellers Markets. While our statistics are certainly impressive over the past 50 years, it’s the quality of our agents and staff who truly make the real difference in your real estate experience. Make your FIRST CHOICE, First Thomasville Realty.